
University of Virginia

Ph.D., STEM Education


Old Dominion University

M.Ed., Educational Leadership: Administration & Supervision


University of Virginia

M.Ed., Instructional Technology: Engineering Education


The College of New Jersey

B.S., Technology Education: Pre-Engineering Education



Roversa Robotics

Co-Founder • 2024

Design and implementation of an research-backed, open-source, low-cost, educational robotics platform that provides multilingual support for student learning. The robot, Roversa, can be used in grades K-14 to support computer science learning and help provide a single growth platform for teachers to scaffold their instruction, relying on one platform. Roversa Robotics LLC provides professional development for teachers in school districts to learn how to integrate and use the robot tailored to the district's goals and teachers' needs. Created and maintain PCB, hardware, chassis design, programming language support, technical and educational resources, and manufacturing processes. NSF iCorps Fellow, Fall 2023.

University of Virginia

Research/Teaching Assistant • 08/2021 — 08/2024

Dissertation: Understanding Pre-service and Elementary Teacher Assets and Developing Tools to Support Computer Science Integration (Defense Passed, May 2024)

Research assistant: Computer Science Education, STEM Education, Teacher Education, Sustainable Design with Urban Wood, Environmental Sensor Systems Design.

Teaching assistant: Pre-service teacher technology-enhanced instruction course (School of Education and Human Development), Timber frame design course (School of Architecture)

Currently developing a low-cost, multilingual robotics platform for elementary school students to learn computer science skills and building educative material for teachers in the US and Colombia (robot design helped garner $1.3mil NSF ITEST Grant). Participate in several grant-funded projects surrounding computer science in education, culturally relevant teaching practices, and engineering design. Quantitative research skills include factor analysis, SEM, and ANCOVA utilizing R as a tool. Qualitative research skills regarding case studies and discourse analysis. Developing environmental sensors for Architecture School. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion co-chair for Hunter Student Research Conference. CGII Graduate Global Research Award, 2023. Climate Futures Design Research Winner, 2024.

Virginia Commonwealth University

Adjunct Instructor • 08/2021 — Present

Develop curricula for Engineering Education program, teach coursework for practicum experiences for undergraduate students seeking teacher licensure in Engineering and Technology Education.

Piedmont Virginia Community College

Associate Professor • 08/2017 — 06/2021

Technology Department Chair and Professor for Industrial Electronics Technology, Advanced Manufacturing and Computer/Network Support. Currently developing curriculum and building project-based learning models to skill-based experiential learning, maintaining advanced manufacturing equipment and labs, developing online resources for project work. Connecting with local industry to provide relevant education and apprenticeships to current and future workforce. Creating pathways with area high schools to bridge education and industry skills. Principal Investigator, NSF ATE. SCHEV Rising Star Nominee, 2020. Teaching Effectiveness Award, 2019

Monticello High School

Engineering, CTE, & Computer Science Teacher • 08/2015 — 08/2017

Computer Science and Engineering teacher for grades 9-12, FIRST Robotics FTC Coach, Makerspace manager, school technology committee, successful collaboration projects with math, English, drama, and art, district curriculum development for all career and technical education classes in secondary education, develop class projects and modules utilizing Canvas/Blackboard, web development projects for school, repair and maintain all 3D printers, laser cutters, and CNC machines located within the school, collaborate with teachers on utilizing digital tools and physical means to develop curriculum and understand current tools for their advantage. CBIC Educator of the Year, 2016

Sutherland Middle School

Engineering & Technology Teacher • 08/2013 — 07/2015

Technology and Engineering teacher for grades 6-8, district middle school curriculum development, county advanced manufacturing technology professional development and repair lead, programming club, advanced mechatronics program, Smithsonian Institute School, Vice President VTEEA, planning SWEDU/VTEEA Conference, technology team lead, collaborated with several teachers and admin on school-wide technology projects that aligned with various curricula, provided professional development and modules for 3D printing across various schools.

University of Virginia

Graduate Lab Assistant • 06/2012 — 07/2013

Lab manager for 3D printing education facility located within the School of Engineering, co-taught undergraduate classes in computer-aided design, electronics, and 3D printing techniques to be utilized in math and science classrooms, developed lessons and guides for teachers using engineering as a catalyst to learn science.

South Hunterdon Regional High School

Technology & CTE Teacher • 08/2009 — 06/2011

Teacher of computer-aided design, robotics, web design, and wood processing, FIRST Robotics FRC lead coach, converted computer lab into manufacturing and processing lab, wrote entire high school curriculum for district, various activities and events, taught 8th grade introduction to technology and systems.


Divergent Education Consulting LLC

Professional Training - Industry & K12 CTE Programs • 2018 — Present

Providing personalized training and professional development to K-12 CTE Teachers, local industry and private companies while maintaining and repairing lab spaces and equipment for clients. Co-founder.

A CAD Experience

CAD Classes & Personal Learning

Teaching classes and one-on-one sessions for people learning or expanding CAD design skills and theory in a personalized manner centered around programs such as Autodesk Inventor, Trimble SketchUp, and OpenSCAD.


Open Source Hardware & Software for Machines

Creating safer environments with regards to tool usage, expand the abilities of users, and increase the longevity of machines common to woodworking, metalworking, CNCing, and more!

Digital Designs

CAD/Solid Modeling

Projects shared via Thingiverse for Advanced Manufacturing Tools using tools such as OpenSCAD, Inventor, Solidworks, Illsutrator, Inkscape, and more!



C++, HTML/CSS, Java, Javascript/Typescript, Processing, Python, R

LAMP Stack, Linux, Mac, OpenBSD, Windows

Graphics & CAD

AutoCAD, FreeCAD, Fusion 360, GIMP, Illustrator, Inkscape, Inventor, KiCAD, LibreCAD, OpenSCAD, Photoshop, Solidworks


Advanced Manufacturing, Electronics (Analog/Digital/Microcontrollers), Information Technology, Computer Science, Metalworking, Programming, Welding, Woodworking

Professional License

Commonwealth of Virginia: Postgraduate Professional License

K12 Leadership & Supervision | Technology Education

Research & Conferences

Engineering, Art, and Education: Designing Practical Robots in an Engineering Course

ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference • 10/2024 • Washington, DC

Professional Learning in Computational Thinking for Early Childhood Teachers in Latin America

ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference • 10/2024 • Washington, DC

Hacia una educación equitativa en ciencias de la computación

Revista EIA, 21(42) • 07/2024 • DOI

Global approach to equitable CS education: low-cost tools, PD and research

CSTA Annual Conference • 07/2024 • Washington, DC

Community cultural wealth: Elementary teacher assets in a culturally relevant computer science RPP

AERA Annual Meeting • 04/2024 • Philadelphia, PA

Implementing Computer Science in Elementary Science Classrooms: An Elementary Teacher’s Perceptions Over Four Years.

NARST Annual Conference • 03/2024 • Denver, CO

Roversa - A low-cost and flexible robot for multilingual learners with embedded data analytics

VSTE Annual Conference • 12/2023 • Roanoke, VA

micro-PD: Professional Development by Teachers in a Culturally Relevant Computer Science RPP

SIGCSE • 03/2023 • Toronto, CA

Refining Co-Designed Professional Development to Support Culturally Relevant CS in Elementary Classrooms

SIGCSE • 03/2023 • Toronto, CA

Let's Get Physical with Computer Science

CSforVA Conference • 10/2022 • Virginia Air & Space Museum, Chantilly, VA

Planned Use and Perceived Challenges of Equitable Computer Science Teaching Strategies with K-8 Teachers

AERA Annual Meeting • 04/2022 • San Diego, CA

Co-Designing Learning Experiences to Support the Development of Culturally Relevant CS Lessons in Elementary Classrooms

SIGCSE • 03/2022 • Providence, RI

Positive Case Studies for Maintaining Partners During Pandemic Season

NSF PI ATE Conference • 10/2020 • Online

Trends in Mechatronics, Automation and Industry 4.0 Technicaian Education

Hi-TEC Conference • 06/2020 • Online

Building Relationships by Engaging High School STEM and CTE Teachers

NSF ATE PI Conference • 10/2018 • Washington, DC

Creating Culture: Infusing Making Into Your Learning Community

MakerEd Convening • 10/2018 • San Jose, CA

Building Partnerships with High Schools

Hi-TEC Conference • 07/2018 • Miami, FL

Strengthening CTE Through Making

ACTE Vision National Conference • 12/2017 • Nashville, TN

Wild Imaginations, Curious Children, and Stories from Student-Ready Educators

VSTE Brainstorm Conference • 04/2017 • Harrisonburg, VA

The effects of an engineering design module on student learning in a middle school science classroom."

IJLTR, 15(6) • 06/2016 • PDF

Unmaking School: A View from the Classsroom

JMU Teaching & Learning with Technology Conference • 10/2016 • Harrisonburg, VA

Connect Schools and Students through 3D Design

VMI STEM Conference • 10/2016 • Lexington, VA

Cracking the Code: K-12 Coding & Programming

Math Science Innovation Center: K-12 Educator Conference • 06/2016 • Richmond, VA

Edutopia: Making in the Classroom

ASCD National Conference • 04/2016 • Atlanta, GA

Technology and Engineering Design: Learning by Doing

ITEEA International Conference • 03/2016 • Washington, DC

Enhancing School Through Advanced Manufacturing

ISTE National Conference • 07/2015 • Philadelphia, PA

Celebrating Innovations in Career and Technical Education

The White House • 06/2015 • Washington, DC

Advanced Manufacturing as a Driver of Cross-Curricular Change

National Maker Faire • 06/2015 • Washington, DC

Leveraging CTE to Connect Core Content in Public Schools

ITEEA International Conference • 03/2015 • Milwaukee, WI

Advanced Manufacturing as a Driver of Cross-Curricular Change

ACTE Vision National Conference • 11/2014 • Nashville, TN

Bringing Advanced Manufacturing into Your District

VMI STEM Conference • 10/2014 • Lexington, VA

Enhancing Science through Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing

VMI STEM Conference • 10/2014 • Lexington, VA

Connecting CTE to Core Content Classes as a Hub of Learning

VACTE REGION II Conference • 09/2014 • Richmond, VA

Making Matters in Education

World Maker Faire NYC • 09/2014 • Bronx, NY

Maker Ed Initiative

DC Mini Maker Faire • 07/2014 • Washington, DC

Reconstructing Vail Telegraph with 3D Printing

ISTE National Conference • 06/2014 • Atlanta, GA

3D Printed Telegraph – Historical Representations

Smithsonian Institute • 04/2014 • Washington, DC

Advanced Manufacturing in Schools

STEM Learning Summit (Longwood University) • 01/2014 • Farmville, VA

3D Printed Telegraph

Monticello • 12/2013 • Charlottesville, VA

Enhancing Engineering Education and K12 Science Teaching Through Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

REM: World of Mechatronics • 06/2013 • Vienna, Austria

Exploring Periodic Motion Through Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

ASEE: Tying STEM with Engineering • 06/2013 • Atlanta, GA

FabLab Classroom: Learning Middle School Science Through Engineering Design and Manufacturing

NSF: Successful STEM Education Summit • 05/2013 • Baltimore, MD

Enhancing Science Through Advanced Manufacturing

SITE (AACE) International Conference • 03/2013 • New Orleans, LA

Visual Representations of Periodic Motion

SITE (AACE) International Conference • 03/2013 • New Orleans, LA

Mixed Reality Through Advanced Manufacturing

Curry (University of VA) Research Conference • 03/2013 • Charlottesville, VA

UVA Lab School Advanced Manufacturing

University of VA Technology Showcase • 02/2013 • Charlottesville, VA

Mixed Reality in STEM Education

Learning & Leading with Technology • 02/2013 • ISTE

Mixed Reality Demonstrations

NTLS Leadership Summit • 09/2012 • Washington, DC